At the end of the 6 months, pigs will be taken to a local processors to be cut and wrapped. BeeWench will facilitate this, but the Pig Share Members will pay the processor directly. The cost for this is approximately $2.00 per lb (hang weight). There is addition cost to the processor per pound for sausage links and bacon.

*Should you desire to pick up your whole or half pig directly from the farm (uncut) please contact us directly.*

Your total out of pocket cost to BeeWench Farm is $1400 for a whole and $700 for a half.

Our desire is for a whole pig to be approximately 300lbs live weight at processing. The Hang Weight should be approximately 250lbs and the Packaged Weight around 200 lbs. Therefore, a half Pig Share would receive about 100 lbs of actual cuts back from the Processor, depending on your cut choices.

Your total out of pocket cost to the processor will be approximately $700 for a whole pig or $350 for a half pig (also depending on cut choices and hang weight). We are happy to explain all of this and help with your cut sheet for the processor.

Your total out of pocket cost for a half pig share should be around $2,100 for a whole pig and $1,050 for a half pig.

These costs are all approximate as they depend on the final weight of the pig.

Click here for a hog cut explanation! We are happy to help you with your decisions also!

If you would like to see what you should expect to get back from the butcher, click here to read about that!

If cost or freezer space is a concern, consider splitting a half share with friends or family! Starting this fall, we will be offering our own freezer space to store your pork. Obviously this isn't quite as convenient as having it in your own freezer, but we will work out a delivery schedule with you so you can get what you need every week, two week, or monthly. You must live within SLO county to be able to store and have pork delivered as needed. If you would like to learn more about the processing of our pigs, click here.




Click on the links below to see more about what we raise!